Get paid

performing social

media tasks

Earn daily by posting adverts for businesses and top brands on your social media page.

How it works

Our objective is to get you trained, employ you and pay you monthly for your services. After updating your job profile by getting Team Booster Permit, you will attract different jobs opportunities and earn daily income by posting adverts of businesses and top brands on your social media page.

Simply earn by performiong social and engagement task for businesses on your social media account.

Get started


Advertise your business today and get more customers.

Get real people with massive followers to post your adverts on their social media.

Increase you likes, followers, comments on your social media.

Get started

About us

We are a team of network marketers that collaborate with business organisation and top brands, that sell wholesale and retail products and services.

Due to present economic challenge and large number of unemployed youth in africa, Team Booster has set up this platform to bring solution to the problem of unemployment in Africa and to eradicate poverty by creating jobs opportunity online for everyone both unemployed and employed youth.

You don't need to have a certificate to work with us, all you need do is get a smart phone and work from the comfort of your home.
